The best tony hawk game for Gamecube.

User Rating: 9 | Tony Hawk's Underground GC
Tony hawks game have had Quite a long run. onto the game. tony hawks underground is a very great skateboarding game with a great single player campaign and a okay multiplayer. what i mean by an okay multiplayer is just that it is not that fun although it si some great modes in multiplayer like fireball which is pretty much just a llout battle with each skater has fireballs to shoot at each other the other modes in multiplayer are okay which i cant remember right now. the game would have been way better with online support but there is not which a dissapointment but most gamecube games dont have online play. the single player is the best part of the game and kinda reminds me of gta (grand theft auto) what i mean by that is that there are some missions (or whatever you want to call them) where you have to run away from either cops or just somebody mad at you. there are driving missions to although not very many but it gives the game a nice twist because you are supposed be skating not driving. the game last quite awhil if you have it on one of the harder modes the easiest takes about only 5-7 hours if have ever played a tonny hawk game before. bottomline if you like Xtreme sports or just skateboarding in general then you need to buy this game. (note i said need not want.)