I heard about this game probably four years ago and back then it got me excited. A month before the game was to be released I was all excited that I was finally going to get to play it. And then I read the Gameinformer review of the game that said nothing but bad things about the game. They gave the game a 6.75 and said another ten years of development might of helped it out. I started having doubts but then I remembered that I they have been wrong before and I waited to see gamespots review. After seeing the 5.5 I just couldnt believe it. After playing the demo there is no way that the game was as bad as they said. As soon as I could I went and picked up the game and after just an hour of playing it I was addicted. Everything about the game was great. The graphics made me sit back and say wow at moments were the game would show you the size and scale of some of the areas you are in. Yes the gameplay took a sec to get used to but as soon I did it was nothing. One thing that the reviews complained about was how you cant target the exact enemy you want at any moment when shooting and for some reason I never had this problem and I chose to play as the commando who is the long range specialist. Another thing is the death sequence when you die that has a valkarye come down from Valhalla to take you with her and some people say that its to long and that its so irritating because you cant skip it but they are just being stupid. The cutsecene take about ten to fifteen seconds and as soon as its over you get to imediatly start playing again and frankly i would rather whach that over and over again instead of looking at a stupid load screen with a moving bar at the bottom. The story in the game is not the greatest masterpiece ever written but its still a descent story for the game and its not that hard to figure out. With so much being offered with all the customization in the game from the different pieces of armor to the different weapons Too Human is a game that will keep you coming back for more nomatter what those other reviewers say.
No Question TH got a lot of attention last year, which was inevitable considering how long the game had been in development. Like most people my first experience with the game was the demo that was released last Summer, ... Read Full Review
this game is awesome, i've got ALL major budget titles for the xbox 360, but this game just took the crown.. i actually bought it thinking it would be a halo or gears of war FPS game (didnt really do much research on it)... Read Full Review