Dont agree with gamespots review, personally I liked it.

User Rating: 9 | Too Human X360
I dont agree with gamespots rating at all on this one. It may not have been the best game but a 5.5 come on. The fighting system is very coll, while being somewhat repetitve after a while it is pretty damn cool to be able to slide around throwing enemies all over the place. The weapons and armor custimzation is very cool. The so many different types of armor and weapons make each time you play diffent from the last. The co-op should have been put together a little differently. They should have changed the story line when you play co-op so as to make the game more interesting. There should have at least put cutscenes in because if youve never played the game before and you wanted to play with a friend you cantreally understand whats going on. Not that you can understand too much of what is going on in the single player but thats besides the point. With 10 years in the making it should have been flawless but it works for me, The story may not change but still all in all a very enjoyable game i think.