This game is awesome! Why would Gamespot give it a 5.5?

User Rating: 8 | Too Human X360
Too Human has been in development for about 10 years, and it's finally on the 360!
The story is... something about Loki, or something, I don't know. I skip through the cutsences.
Gameplay: You attack with the Right-Analog stick and move it in different directions to attack. One thing that gets annoying is that sometimes Baluder will miss an enemy you want to attack. Also, you can press the Right Trigger to preform something caled a Ruiner, which will hurt enemys around you.
Graphics: The graphics are OK. During some cutscenes some characters look down-right awful, and their animations might stutter. The backgrounds are good, and the lighting effects are good.
AI: The AI is pretty easy to defeat, but if you die, you'll be picked up by an angel (I think), and you'll be carried away from battle, but you'll return at you're checkpoint when you die.
Why would Gamespot give this a 5.5? I don't know, but this game is fun!