Definitely underrated, this game is a fantastic addition to any RPG and action-adventure fan!
User Rating: 8 | Too Human X360
Many reviewers and game critics have proclaimed that this game simply isn't up to par with what should be in a next generation game, that there are many technical issues to be dealt with. Personally, I also thought this streaming online reviews and just heeding third-party opinions. After beating the game with three different class types (out of five), I have yet to experience any "technical" flaw. Oh sure sure the cut scene which initiates when the player dies is annoying as persistent crying child, but depending on player skill you don't die that often anyways. The online play is a great addition to this game but unfortunately only supports two players but all in all you can have some pretty interesting encounters. There is much to be credited for the variety in weapon choices, armor types and the amount of customizations you can add. One major con about Too Human is the short story-line which amounts to about 30 hours non-stop. Yes I said 30 hours and I bet you're asking "and he thinks that's short?!". Well with gameplay as addictive as this, yes it is short. The ending leaves you twitching and wanting more so hopefully Silicon Knights will deliver the remainder of this trilogy of epic-ness shortly. All-in-all this game is worth the money. It offers hours and hours of fun gameplay, crazy abilities and interesting characters who may have lost more than their right arms playing (Inside joke, play it understand... play it) the game and fighting the good fight. 8.0/10 May Odin Guide Us.