Gamespot couldn't have said it any better!

User Rating: 6 | Too Human X360
Too Human . I will quote Gamespot on this one . "This action/role-playing hybrid is too unbalanced and too frustrating to recommend."

Really Gamespot , bravo , i think its safe to say we all agree on that statement .

Now , too human is a story that takes place in some kind of god world , upper and superior to the human world , you serve as their protector and wind up fighting hordes of machine monsters of all sorts to do so . sounds awesome right? unfortunately not so much .

The story to too human doesnt really make much sense , between cutscenes from different dimensions and flashbacks and different takes on flashbacks youll be lost before you know it . but at the end , if you make it , it all comes together , and i must say the ending is pretty epic . the main problem with too human is the sheer repetetiveness of it . they add many hours of gameplay just from the obnoxiously stamina-boosted bosses and the hordes of enemies , which would be fine if it was fun .

Too human is easy and hard at the same time , you see , you can;'t really die . when you do die , these things called valkyries come and pick you up , and you are respawned in the exact condition you died at . But in your first playthrough you will die frequently and it will become very frustrating .

This game shines at its online multiplayer . it can be both enjoyable and handy to play this game with co-op , as long as you have someone around the same level to play with .

The melee play features advanced combos you could use . but most of the time youll find your self just holding the right stick . the gun play is very , boring . it will not humor you for very long.

Now , for those of you reading this , your probably wondering why i didnt give the same number as gamespot , afterall i do agree with them fully dont i?

the only reason I boosted this games rating up a little higher is because 5.5 is listed as Mediocre . I don't believe that . This game is beautiful and it does give a new way to give camera angles at points , and a new combat system that could work in their next title . it brought something new to the table and i feel it should be considered a little above mediocre.

I think that fair is a good word for this game . thats why i boosted it up the .5 points.

Game Rating: 6.0