Some will love it and some will hate it.
The graphics, melee, and customization might be enough for some players while innovative control schemes make a portion of the game a blast. Meanwhile a massive archive of end game content can reward addicts for their time and effort.
The story doesn't really stand on it's own, moves to slowly, almost seems disembodied from the game at times, then it ends with a big long cliff hanger that draws your attention but only having your attention at the end was not the way to go. If you have some understanding of Norse mythology involving the Aesir it will help tide things over but as I said. The story can't stand on it's own.
The ranged mechanics are so outclassed by the melee mechanics they don't feel function in comparison and it is much more difficult to focus on ranged combat. Yes you can dual wield pistols and actually shoot different targets with each pistol which has a definite cool factor but that's about all it has. The short coming of the ranged mechanics cause problems for the parts where they were intended to be used and leads the overall experience further in the hole.
Right now you can get this game new for less than $30 US and if you want a really fun hack and slash game it's worth it. If you want all the marketed features I suggest you rent, borrow, or buy at resale.
If you want a much more in depth review of the game check out my blog for September 28, 2009.