This game is not bad per say. But not great.

User Rating: 6 | Too Human X360
This game, in my opinion is a great idea. However having only 3 levels is kind of a major drawback to the otherwise relatively good game. The combat is interesting to say the least with you controlling the direction of te swings with the right analog stick, but the cool this is, you're a god.. So you get to fly around the area beating the living ... Out of everybody, and juggling people in the air all while using some awesome area effect magic. Another major problem with this game is the fact that it is literally impossible to lose. If you die, you just get revived a little bit back in the level, and get this, all the enemies you killed are still dead! So don't worry about being careful, you can't lose. Those things aside, the story isn't half bad, although it does have a random strain of RPG in an otherwise linear third person shooter, which I found really odd. All in all this would be a relatively good game if it had a few more levels, say ten or fifteen. Not 3.