Review: Top Gear Rally
Top Gear is a racing series that has been highly touted since the NES days, but in recent years the Top Gear series has had a string of bad games. Can Top Gear Rally possibly be an exception to the rule?
You are out to be the best rally racer in the championship. To be quite honest it is the same story we are used to in every racing game on the face of the planet.
Well the graphics are amazing. Top Gear Rally looks like a rally racing game that you would expect to find on the PSX not the GBA. That is right this game is fully in 3D, and I am not just talking about the cars, like in Mario kart and F-zero, the backgrounds are included in the full 3D treatment as well and look beautiful. Each stage looks different and somewhat look like their real world counterparts (well at least the ones I have seen)
Overall the music is ok. Cheesy, but passable and un-annoying techno beats make up most of the music for Top Gear Rally. The sounds are also passable but not with out notice, and if I am not mistaken all of the cars sound alike, and most of the sounds are recycled. Still considering all of the content in this game the music is enough to keep your interest going.
Control is like that of every racing game that has ever been made up until this point. The cornering is tight and responsive; each car acts different and behave as they should in the environments that are available.
Well the graphics and game designers defiantly worked overtime on this game they did something that was thought likely impossible for the GBA, a fully 3D Racing game! It is too bad that the sound department didn't take the kind of care that the rest of the team did. My only major gripe is that if you go off road accidentally and hit a bush or a parking sign, your car comes to an absolute stop instead of knocking the sign down, or being slowed down by the bush.
This is one of the underrated gems of the GBA and any self respecting racing game fans will be in love with this gem of a game. Be sure to check it out.
Top Gear Rally:
Amazing graphics
Fun racing on the GBA
Did you know the any off road obstacle can stop you car cold, I didn't