If you like tennis games, games for that matter, you will not be disappointed
Anyways, this game is very similar to its predecessor in all aspects, i believe it not to be very far from the truth by stating that its more of an extensive add-on, where there are(as far as i can remember) better overall sounds, and graphics, which is is to be expected, be where it more significantly differs, is the amount of variety of pitches, tournaments, trainers, skill distribution, story...(!?). Where it most differs is the customizing of your created player. In the first, is was very good, whilst in this, you will most likely have your dude or dudette look like a mentally challenged monkey, where you can actually, (and must) choose how many (as i have dubbed them) ugly spots on the face. And you can`t even know how tall the player will be as there are now way of telling. Another thing is that all the clothes are just plain, i mean really plain. Of course tennis is not about the best dresser, nor is it focusing on narcissism...(hmm), but all you can do is mostly just change the color of your shorts, the same goes for the hair styles for that matter
The gameplay is actually better then the first,that means its awesome; as there are a lot more skills to train, and therefore more strategic. You can also hire trainers with different focuses, so you can really create a completely unique player. But having trainers and spoken massages etc, doesn`t actually add any more depth to the game, it only makes it more atmospheric, or personal if you will. The general overview, is also of the same characteristic, as instead of being a top view of "the" map as in the first. Here you will have a main page for events, another for sponsors, massages etc.
Another thing is that (you can ignore this if you haven`t played the first) the first game was allot more difficult, and the transition will be plagued by you totally laying waste to your opponents, but in the long runs perhaps this is better, especially for beginners
I know this looks like i am ripping on the game, but that is not my sole intention, because this game is totally cool. I would recommend top spin 1, if you are wondering, but you will not regret this playing this one, as it is a top notch game.
If you haven`t played the first, i know i havent given you a proper description of the game in full, but i don`t really need to. If you like tennis games, or any game for that matter, you will not be disappointed