The best tennis game so far.
The career in Top Spin 1 was quite easy. Unfortunately, it hasn't change that much in Top Spin 2. You can still be ranked #1 only by playing 10 hours or something like that. It should have been harder. But that's the only thing I wan't to complain on.
There is a better arrangement and it is really good that you can choose between playing a match or train when there is a tournament. It is good that you can loose ranks if you don't compete in enough tournaments and etc. And the career becomes a bit more challenging if you wan't to complete all sponsor challenges to.
Creating your own player is something I like in games. And in Top Spin 2 there is so much you can adjust that you should be able to make the player look almost as you do, if that is what you want.
The ability to choose coach is very positive, so you can learn different ways to play tennis. And it is good that they are better on some parts than the others and not that good on other parts. That makes it important to think if you want your player to be a net player or a baseline player. The ability to get 60 stars to improve your stile is also good. Once again, do you wan't your player to be a net player or a baseline player? Depending on what you wan't you should spend them differently.
There are 4 types of tournaments, minor, major, masters and grand slams. Of course the grand slams are more difficult than the minor, but there is no really big difference. The opponent is a bit faster, shoots a bit harder and returns the ball a bit better.
If you don't want to play a tournament there are sometimes special events like mix tournaments, offer from a pro to play against or to play in a team for your country. There are a lot of variations which makes Top Spin 2 to last longer.
The multiplayer offers some different party games for you and your friends, like painting the opponents side with permanent color and other stuff. If you only wan't to play a regular match, you can do that, of course. If that is what you want, you can play both singles against each other or doubles with or against each other.
The graphics are impressing. It looks very real. And the way they move is very real to. There is shadow and the ball is more or less easy to see depending on if the ball is in the shadow or in the sunlight.
The sound is real to, even though there is not much sound in the game actually. But the feeling when the ball bounces or hit the tennis racket is just right.
The control couldn't be better. It is very easy to learn it and there should be no problem to learn it.