At last, an awesome tennis game on PC !

User Rating: 8 | Top Spin 2 PC
If you like tennis or even play tennis , you will be impress with the hitting motion of the players , it is amazing.
Starting a career is fun since you have to struggle your way to the top and this ain't easy. The first years of your career you will play minor tournaments with no crowd almost.

At the start, you can't play the big tournaments since your rankings is so low. So you slowly win minor tournaments and improve on your ranking.

You also pick a coach (all of them have different specialities) and get better with training.
The reality in the backhands and forehands spins are just amazing. Even the movements of the player's body goes with it.

The controls are good BUT it is tuff to do advanced shots during the game against good players.

All game have weaknesses though and this one is kinda funny.
Computer players almost never miss a first serve, we know that ain't the case in real life.
If you are beating a good player suddenly out of the blue she starts serving over 100mph when she has never done it in the entire match once.

Overall , it is an amazing game. Have fun