Slaying countless creatures - Cyberpunk style
The game is fast paced and most enemies goes down quickly (on normal difficulty) – the body count is through the roof! You create your character at the start, choosing from four classes – and also a trusty animal companion. Your critter is, in fact, a really good warrior whom you can equip and give spells for it to use. Another nice feature is that you can give your pet some of your loot and then send it to the nearest shop to sell it off. And while your animal companion is off barting you can just continuing your mass-murdering. Brilliant.
There are levels to earn and skills to learn and that is why this kind of games get to be called action-rpg´s. There sure are a lot of action but not so much role-playing – but if you get tired of the game´s linear gameplay you can just get online and do a co-op game. As a lover of rgp´s I would at least have liked some more lore, some more info on the cyberpunkish world we are in and info on all the beasts you get to slay.
Beside the head quest there are some side questing to experience and some of the areas are created randomly – which is another nice feature. At least it makes for a second playthrough.
The comparison to Diablo is, of course, inevitable. Same addictive hack'n'slash gameplay, same demonic critters and I think that even the music has some similarities. Whatever – Torchlight II is good fun for as long as you play it and sometimes that can be just enough.