You should give it a try,given the price and that you can do some good old hacking and slashing,see if it grows on you...on me,it did not.At first i was excited seeing the mix between Diablo and Warcraft 3 that is Torchlight so i think that kinda gave me high hopes.It also made me think about Diablo III cause of the maps look-a-like.The soundtrack is also very familiar,so it`s enough to get you all pumped up for whats to come.You will have a great deal of fun hacking and slashing through the game,itemization is also good,but given how all of the above set my expectations high,playing the game got me disappointed and bored.Here`s why:There are only 3 quest givers,1 NPC starts the storyline main quest,and the others are side quests.Aside from the main quests,the other 2 are repetitive and that bored me.Kill monster "x" located at level "y" as you progress throughout the game.The other NPC that gives you quests opens you a portal and you have to retrieve an item for him.Same mechanics set in only 2 side repetitive quests bored me to death.And as if that was not enough,environment is repetitive too,there are only 5-6 of them that repeat as you progress,the final scene being the only one that had it unique (predictable).Other things that threw me off:you actually overpower the mobs by level doing the storyline quest and feel challenged only through the portals quests and i never got to die,not even once. Things i like about the game:good graphics,itemization,interface,the fact that you have a pet that has inventory slots and you can send to town so he can sell your items and trash,3 classes to try out,the way items look when equipped. My advice to you is that you do not get pumped up about the game like i did cause you`ll be disappointed.Think of it as a bar fight and smash everything that comes in your range,that is always fun.I am going to use a favorite quote of mine that best describes the situation (you adapt it): "Learn to love a man for what he is,not his potential." ...not to say this game did not manage to ruin anything for Blizzard,not even close,but practice makes perfect *wink wink*.
What we need nowadays is Torchlight. There are a lot of RPGs created but they always lack something. At first when I started playing this game, I thought that that would be the perfect game which I will play for some ti... Read Full Review
Having Originally been a participant in the Mythos Closed Beta Test, I have been eagerly anticipating the release of Torchlight since I read about the founding of Runic Games. This may be Runic Game's 1st Title, but t... Read Full Review