If you are part of the category of people who have worn away at least one mouse on Diablo I and II, probably saliva for

User Rating: 8.5 | Torchlight PC
If you are part of the category of people who have worn away at least one mouse on Diablo I and II, probably saliva for months to pictures of Diablo III, I expect people from Blizzard to announce a date when it will appear and you can cry and carpal tunnel syndrome. May have to wait long and hard. Meanwhile, we have an compromise solution, made by some people who worked in Diablo I.

We do not know clearly what positions there were probably goalkeeper and cleaning of keyboards, but that's irrelevant. Torchlight is a highly successful clone of Diablo.

Much more successful than the misery of Hellgate London, launched two years ago with great bang of other former Blizzard employees who stopped and less hard than the files from the directory "Temp". Anyway, you know the kind of game: something mysterious and suspicious happening in a cave in a city and your business to go there and click on monsters hordes until they crack and fall from the pockets of money and equipment you do not have . "Hack and slash" as he calls in professional environments. You can choose between three types of characters: a man as big banks, which gives the sword and said his Destroyer, which is a thin magic, but for various reasons Alchemist tells her, though little has reasonable grounds for this choice, and a madam who shoot guns and stuff, which is said Vanquisher.

Each has a different set of attributes and skills, but eventually do the same thing: kill stuff. May you have a dog or cat (your choice) that goes with you and bite the enemy. Instead, the animal is trained to give a run up to the city, sell what you gathered from the ground and return the money. Not clear how we negotiate with sellers price, but better. The game even catch up. Relaxed, looks good, has a superb music and is perfect to kill time when you have nothing better to do. Pleasant surprises and by having only 500 mega and go almost all grinders. And yes, looks miraculously well for 500 mega. And it's cheap Dirt. Only $ 20. Cheaper than a good mouse. As you read this text, you could already have it hard.

It`s a good game ARPG which can be played by children 7-12 years , its very cartoon and simple and lots fun .

For us the D2 addicted , mature players isn't enough to satisfy our needs so the Diablo3 its our goal. Torchlight its just a small part revealed of what will be D3 , like I said its a light version of D3 made for our children's