from the creators of diablo, torchlight is deffinitely worth the 20 bucks and a good benchmark between diablo 2 and 3
the good : the game isn't expensive in a lot of meanings, it doesn't cost much cash, doesn't cost much time, and doesn't cost much system memory. the game has a cool look to it, and is very colorful (especially battles). fights are awe-ing and there's always explosions and **** happening everywhere of bright colors or just plain craziness. the game plays awesome, and it literally has the same gameplay system as diablo (point and click and watch the chaos), and character progression works with gear, attribute-point-selecting (strength, magic, defense, ect.) and a talent tree to get new abilities or upgrade them. it has a random dungeon generator so it keeps the game fresh and exciting every time you play it. speaking on the terms of random dungeon generator, the game has a "dungeon creator" which lets you a) make your own dungeons, and b) make a random generated dungeon. never used it so i don't know much else about it. the story line is actually pretty good and keeps you coming for more, and lots of characters you'll, maybe not come to remember for a life time, but deffinitely recognize.
the bad:
i seriously don't see much "bad" in it. maybe i'm just blind, but i seriously don't see anything bad about it.
the final countdown:
gameplay - 10 (duh it's from the creators of diablo)
graphics - 10 (stylish, colorful, and awe-ing)
sounds - 8 (there's sound? can't say it's ever been quiet either though...)
story - 9.5 (intruiging and unexpecting storyline)
innovation - 10 (the diablo team took diablo and added even more to it) length - 10 (never ending)
overall - 9.6, but since there's really nothing bad about it at all, aka it's perfect, i'm going to give it a 10)