Charm charm and more charm!!!!
User Rating: 9 | Torchlight PC
This game is just awesome. It delivers on exactly what it set out to do. Does it break any new ground? Nope it really doesnt but that isn't the point. The point was to make a game that delivers exactly what fans of this genre wanted. Wonderful looting, lots of different and creative monsters, tons of content and leveling that doesn't seem to ever get boring. On top of that the price is outstanding for what it offers you due to some really good design choices. Instead of insanely realistic graphics they choose an artistic design that allowed for less demanding requirements but fit perfectly for the tone of the game. The color pallete, the voice work, even the font of the texts all have a wonderful charm to them that allowed the developers to use a small budget but completely use their resources where it all counts. Much in the same vein of some of the top tier xbox live arcade games it does everything right without a single expensive cg cut scene or any other useless bloat and no one will miss it cause they're just plain having too much fun. Great game, definitely deserves a sequel, which is coming. Good job guys!!!