i dont have tons of stuff to say there are two words to describe this game: stupid,pointless,annoing,laim,cheesy and short and you cant target the freaking enemies!!...was that more then two words?...sorry for my bad beginning but thats all i can say about this game so if you are actualy reading this review obviously you think about getting it somehow...i came here to see if someone actualy thought of it and yup someone did and yes i guess you can describe this game as one of the worst games...it made me cry thats how bad he was....i hate this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!becuse its immposible to target you find yourself aimming on nothing and in the menue screen you got a stupid like fly that count as the mouse icon its always buzzing its so annoing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a 1.3 out of 10!!!!!this game is nearly bad as high heat baseball 2003 for the ps2...well almost...
So , i bought the game, came home and installed it, tried it....then threw the game in the garbage...honest. Games dont get any worse than this, this is the abyss, the absolute worst. If you get this game for free....i... Read Full Review