It appears the pirates robbed this pirate game of it's mystical value, yet some how it still manages to keep me playing.
User Rating: 4.5 | Tortuga - Two Treasures PC
It appears the pirates robbed this pirate game of it's mystical value, yet some how it still manages to keep me playing. Maybe its the fact that I don't really have to think while playing the game. The video clips do not match the captions which do not match the narrations. This leads me to believe that either the budget ran out or the developers were in too much of a rush to finish the details properly. The on land combat leaves much to be desired with very little control over the combat moves of the pirate, and quite honestly, a bit to simplistic. I still however enjoy running the enemy ships over the reefs when in a dinghy. The story line is as predictable as a James Bond movie. The graphics could have been better considering the game was released in 2007, and I find them incredibly disappointing. I have games that are 5 years old with better graphics. My overall opinion of the game is broken down into three parts; One, for just plain fun, I rated it as 6.7, two from technical development , a 3.2, and thirdly the challenge, a 3.6. Giving and overall rating of 4.5. Basically, if you want a pirate game that is not complex and a bit of fun, then this is your game.