Best RTS Ever
User Rating: 9.5 | Total Annihilation PC
First off Id like to say that this game was made in 1997, its ten years later and i still think it is one of the best RTS games Ive ever played. The key thing that i think makes this game so great is the fact that you can do anything you want to. Its so simple but the simplicity of it makes for vast complex situations created by you. The story mode is ok but isnt the real meat of the game, most of it is in either online or single player skirmish. Most of the time skirmish is a bit of a let down in RTS's but the AI is great and can be really challenging if you don't know what your doing. Another great thing about the game is that there are few restrictions, there are only two resources and with the right mods no unit limitation making for epic wars with 1000+ units. The last and probably greatest part of the game are the MODS. There are 1000s of units maps and total conversion mods that will make it impossible to stop playing. I wouldn't just take my world for it..go try it you wont be disappointed, as i said it is one of the greatest real time stratagey games of all time.