Total Miner?.....You mean Total ripoff? Who would play such a game?
Now to the details. Total miner inherits many features from other games like minecraft and miner dig deep. ( miner dig deep is original it was before minecraft and has nothing from minecraft) It takes away many mechanics and items from Minecraft, While taking away The 2-D environment from miner dig deep as a map showing where the ores are, it also takes earthguakes from m:dd. Howerver adds other usless things to minecraft like shields (does the same thing as armor, but less mechanics.) blocks like uranium and shops, and C4, which takes the same sprite from minecraft's TNT block (Total miner TNT also takes away the sprite directly.) This game costs $3 in Microsoft points. Outstanding price, but is more expensive than miner:dig deep.
Now for the overview.
.Plays very solid
.Allows you to go down a amazing, 2014 blocks in depth
.Has many useful blocks (excluding its derivative.)
.Allows 2 hand building (May have been also taken from miner dig deep)
. Has earthguakes ( Is also taken from miner dig deep)
.EXTREMELY derivative.
.When you try to flood something, it replaced the flood with, CANT CLEAR MIGHT FLOOD
.Level generation takes forever and only gives a small space to build on, also is only 50 KB and still takes forever!
.You have to collect blueprints to get good items. (there going to add survival wthout blueprints in 1.5)
. Takes forever to build because of when you look down, your movement slows
.Has a TERRIBLE,TERRIBLE health system, when you fall 200 blocks down, you still live,really.
.Has trees that all have the same size, only 4 tree barks
Overall, would have been better if Total miner does not follow Minecraft's improvment
(Goes AKF) "goodbye total miner, (turns off total miner then turns on minecraft) hello Minecraft!"