Go in expecting some crazy-ass shooting that will idle you through those sunday mornings, and you'll be satisfied.
Story wise, there isn''t much to tell, and it really isn't important anyway. some dude betrayed your father, and your goody-two-shoes brother is injured, so you, the psychopath, are brought in to avenge his death. The cut scenes are cheesier than your 5-year-old neighbour, and the voice acting is so over-the-top that you almost puke. But take them with a bucketload of salt, and they become fun to watch. Once.
Graphically, the looks okay-ish. Its no ground breaker, but the graphics are good enough for you not to cringe. That is, until you look beyond the carnage, which you won't need to anyway, so you'll be alright.
The sound, in one word, is fantastic. Guns sound okay, but the in-game music is one of the most apt i've ever heard. It puts you right into the game, and you'll be rollicking around to the tunes once you're used to them. This advice is coming from a metal head though.
The gameplay, is where it all starts to break even. The game plays like a mash-up of Max Payne and a John Woo movie. The shooting is precise, the controls feel tight, and it's full on fun. There is a good selection of weapons, with your standard pistols, rifles, shotguns, assault rifles, to Rocket and Grenade launchers. There also are some 'loco' moves which can launch you into a Uzi-spraying tornado of destruction, or give you two guitar gun cases, or give you an exploding pinata, or send down a mexican wrestler to assist you. It's got mindless madness written all over it. It's awesome.
Rent for your lazy afternoons when you have nothing to do, and TOD will give you your required dose of entertainment. Just don't expect much from it, and you'll like it fine.