A lot of games today focus on free roaming environment while only few get the formula right.Total Overdose lacks a lengthy campaign,the developers focussed on a free roaming city which isn't much good nor is it used the way GTA SA did with a lot of varied missions in varied surrounding.They should've just worked on a better campaign but nevertheless TO is worth a purchase or maybe a rental for action fans.
Graphically it ain't a gem,it's just good enough for a game.Sound is better.Gameplay could've been a bit better but still works.
TO also has some nice moves called LOCO Moves which can be activated thus giving u some much needed assistance.It also has a handy rewind which is very very useful.
This ain't the best shooter but it could've been a very good one.
Other Helpful Reviews for Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico
Now that Total Overdose has been out for a while, I would recommend checking the used games section at your local game shop for a copy. If you can pick it up for 10 or 15 bucks US, it's well worth it. There isn't anythin... Read Full Review
Total Overdose: A Gunslinger’s Tale In Mexico, takes a basic third-person shooter and infuses it with over the top gunplay and acrobatics to capture the player in a fun filled escapade of adventure and violence. It poke... Read Full Review