This brilliaNt Bland --max payne-- Shooter style kind of game comes out in the end as simply fantastic,minus teh driving
it is Fun,,rewarding,,most funny,,addictive,,plain stupid,awkkvard,,colorful
outrageous,,annoying,,most sloppy,, how somplified graphics can be this good?=) specially since..
the graphics reacts..
when u even hit a killing-spree on chickens=) ?? lol,,oh noes;(( poor chickens ;( so please do'nt shoot them
-- shoot the bastards instead,,those annoying mexicans,,who are only annoying cuz of all the nice tequila they drank=)
,,who painted this game=) ?? nice work Amigo :]
--nice story & cutscenes,,ojbb well done=))
the game is just brilliantly absurd,,and toilet humour in the funniest way=) good work ,,thumbs up=)
toss the salad,,here
all the nice selection of weapons to choose from,,even a rocket launcher nice=) and i mean the story is the best thing abou this game,=) Really=)~~
the training is a pain in the ass..though..
there are no,,mexcians playing an instrument? hmm,,no?
all the modes are great and all the rewards=)
~~ and also the missions etcetc=)
End : its just a blast to play
nuff said=)
-smthing diffrnt,,here