Despite the reviews, pick it up. Gamespot doesn't give it enough respect.

User Rating: 8 | Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico PS2
OKay I gotta admit that its really cartoony, but thats makes it fun. And yes the bad guiys just popping up out of nowhere is alittle retarded, but I just want to play this game sooo much. Its fun, lots of gunplay, good gameplay, good characters and a pretty solid storyline.

Now the faults: Can't grab onto ledges, again a shotgun round to the chest at pointblank range doesn't always do the job, ammo reserves aren't nearly enough, driving the car is like a hot dog cart with and engine, bad guys pop up outta nowhere and take forever to kill.

The bullettime aspect is nice to have cause you can clear a room out pretty easy with it and the head shot aspect is pretty solid with the timing being all to crucile. My only real problems with it are that the save points arn't marked on the maps, and its almost impossible to tell the diffrence between the missions and the side missions on the map.

All in all, a pretty soild game, no idea why gamespot gave it a 6.7