Taking place in Mexico, I normal person try's and saves his brother at the D.E.A building in America. End, Saving Him...
User Rating: 9 | Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico PS2
Total Overdose is a game that takes place in Mexico. It's about starting out as a person who knows nothing about what he’s about to get into. He learns that his brother is at the D.E.A building in U.S.A. He needs to do jobs for other people in order to get to D.E.A. Gameplay is an important part of a game. The gameplay in Total Overdose is a great achievement for Eidos Interactive and Deadline Games. You walk around with basically no gun at first but you collect guns, grenades, rocket launchers and basically forks to kill people with. Starting out in Mexico, Trying to make you way to the little town’s right outside of Mexico and being a "Delivery Boy" for the Big Boss's. "Loco Moves" are moves that are specials in the game. There are 6 "Loco Moves" that you can get along the way, also collecting them with doing challenges. Challenges give you a chance to get either "Loco Move" icons and/or giving you more ammo for your guns depending on how many points you get. The icon "Rewind" gives you the chance to do the part you were doing when you died without having to go back to the save area. Just by clicking the "Down" on the D-Pad, It rewinds time so you can play the part and knowing/giving you the chance to beat the boss or anyone again. Sadly the boss's health goes back also. You can pick this icon up in a challenge or basically in a hiding spot. Armor. The icon with the jacket giving you more health but moving on when you have low health. It wears off pretty fast but it gives you time to search for a "Health" icon, a gun or some place to hide. Giving the gameplay a 10/10 for its great play. Graphics. The thing that people are basically buy games for. Total Overdose gives you the graphics of a normal PS2 game but also gives you the great detail on boxes and other items around the game. The people and guns have the detail of a real-life one. The icons in Total Overdose are pretty clear and there isn't any 64x64 blocks. The car's details are CRSYTAL clear and shine in the sun light like you would be going to your car and saying "Wow, This looks like the graphics of the cars in Total Overdose", giving you the chance to ride a clear car that shines in the sun. When using the "Rewind" icon, it doesn't make a difference graphic-wise. All it is that kind of showing it like a burly view but clearing up. Talking about blur, when you jump in the slow-mo they give you, it makes you feel that time has slowly stopped but not quite feeling like you are light. Basically telling you all about the details and graphics in this game, I'm rating them a 10/10. Moving on to the sound. Sound. It's great when you can hear things close and far to you so you can get ready to kill or go to a place and move on to the next job/mission. Gun sounding in Total Overdose is like being there and hearing all the gun firing going past you at the speed of light almost. Car's engines sound clear like in a racing game in 1st person view. Walking movement is a great thing, Jumping and others. The dust when you jump and how the dust sounds when you would jump off or just jump up and down. The talking of the characters in Total Overdose sound like you if you had the chance to give your voice. The mouths are moving as they talk and move how each word comes out. Making you feel that the people are right near you talking behind you as you watch them. Basically rating sound 9/10. Value is a great thing in a game. People think from now in 10 years this game would have great value. Total Overdose, Would never get old. Later on, People would be looking for this and paying a great amount of money for this great game just to have it in there own homes. Not having alot to talk about the value to this game, rating it an 8/10. Giving this game the grand total rating of: 9.0.