6.7 ..... !!!!! Y gamespot reviews usually sux !!!! ------- i say 8.8 that genuis "MOLOTOV" made a damn cool
voices of the actors are pretty good, i love that Mexican language
they got cool car horns too
we got a music genius here ppl MOLOTOV is one hell of a ( singer / band )
most of soundtrax of the game rox
need some care, kool while in shoot dodging ( blurring ) , weak overall
Strong powerful scenario ( although it contains some weak fictions )
Starting from the father mission till the exploding train
lOCO MOVES - good idea, interesting 4 beginners
MISSIONS - i liked saving during missions very much ( lacks in GTA )
FREE ROAM - a failing try to imitate GTA, plz "SCI" don try this again
- the city is too small
- too many loading points ( when u move between district )
VECHILES - thats the only one considerable weak point in the game
....... awfully bad ........
- vehicles are too light have no weight at all
- E-Brake slides the car too much
REWARDS - a strong methodology, makes the player seeking
objectives and rewards all the time
simple not too much
As others mentioned b4 the game made a successful combination between max payne and enter the matrix and GTA ( without comparison with GTA )
The game deserves 9.4, considering vehicle control and poor grafx we can
say 8.8