A game that's way better than most people describe it

User Rating: 6.5 | Total Recall NES
DISCLAIMER: I'm sorry for all the /r/ns in my review, but Gamespot is glitching up for no apparent reason...
I like Total Recall for the NES! Yes, I actually like this game, and I think it's much better than most of people think.rnSound: 7/10 The music in this game is all right: I really like the title music, but the rest of the soundtrack is more average. One thing I don't like is that when you're in certain levels, the music stops for a while, and restarts from the beginning when you change screens (the Cement Factory for example), and this can get really annoying. Overall it's a 7 out of 10 because of the title screen music.rnGraphics: 5/10 The graphics are a mixed bag: In the cutscenes, Arnold and Richter look really good, and the graphics in-game also look quite nice, except the driving stage which looks like an unreleased Action 52 game. There also is a small flaw on the upper right corner: There is a scanline going back and forth, but it's small and it's just a minor flaw so I'll let it pass with another 6 out of 10 for the graphics.rnGameplay: 5/10 The controls aren't that bad in the main game, which leads to a decent gameplay, however, there is one stage that should rot in the depths of hell: THE EFFIN' DRIVING STAGE ON MARS!!! Seriously, this stage's controls make Hook for the NES look like a masterpiece. If it wasn't for that stage, it would have gotten a 6 out of 10, but I'll have to give it a 5 out of 10. I would normally have given it a worse grade, but I'll give them 5 out of 10 because they actually tried to implement some variety in the game.rnFun: 8/10 This is where the game really shines: I had lots of fun with it because this game actually follows the movie very well. For example, you can shoot at Sharon Stone in your apartment! That was really fun! There are other scenes, such as when Arnie goes in the subway scanner, and you play as Arnie's skeleton, or when you can get sucked out the window when you're on Mars. You can even try to kill Benny (I'm surprised nobody has called this game a racist game because of it). Overall, I had lots of fun with the game, but that driving stage led me to give the game a 8 out of 10 for fun, instead of a 10 out of 10.rnOVERALL:25/40--->6.5/10 I give this game a 6.5 out of 10, but it could have gotten a better score if it wasn't for that driving stage!