Needed more dev time, could have great potential.
I can only assume that the same engine is used with Shogun 2, considering there are too many similarities. As we all know, there is the combat and the campaign map feature in Total War games.
Campaign map is a great leap forward compared to Shogun 2. Random events and province system make the game more engaging. Agents, while looking useless at the first glance, are vital to keep you in the game. Still the amount of time you wait for while ending turn is ridiculous, can go up to three minutes.
Combat map is a step backwards compared to Shogun 2. Game is not as rich as Shogun animation wise in combat. Units do not have different skins and are all the same in a single unit. However, tactical map is extremely useful and game is rewarding if you use strategical movement. Unit frames, while alienating at first, is really awesome and gives a unique Romeish feeling.
Game difficulty is just right on harder levels. Still, AI has some glitches that needs to be worked on, doing stupid things. At high difficulty, it's really difficult to send an army and expect it to raze its enemies without agents accomponying them.
Graphics look decent. Only those 3D portraits seem to be draining a lot of framerate and i wish there was a way to turn them off into 2D portraits. I can't comment on unit animations and graphics because i have to play the game on medium-high graphics.
I don't even feel the need to comment on sound. Once you get into battle, you get in the mood, you feel as if you are at a theater showing war and this is achieved by the amazing sounds in game, including warcries, shouts, soothing campaign map music.
In conclusion, game looks innovative in some fields but also lacking in some. I believe with some more development time, such issues that effect framerate or technical problems could be adressed, releasing a more polished game. Game has great potential, and deserved a much better grade than 7,5.