Not as good as it was reviewed to be
User Rating: 7 | Total War: Shogun 2 PC
For only the second or third time, I find myself unable to agree with most reviewers on a game. To be fair, I never played the others in the series, and for those that have, this may very well be worth a higher rating. For me, however, it was a disappointment. I find this game difficult to quickly grasp when it comes to learning the controls. They're not intuitive. I also feel that the AI is too difficult on the easy settings. I'm trying to learn the game, and getting my butt stomped by a dozen warriors that mysteriously pop up out of nowhere after I've conquered a city that only had a two unit strong army a moment earlier seems wrong. I'll keep plugging away at this game, but don't feel that it's nearly worth what I paid for it.. As a 25 year veteran of playing stategy games (anyone else here remember Epyx Sub Battle Simulator and Electronic Arts Starflight?) I'm not new to the genre, but just feel like this game needs to be 'dumbed down' a little during the early game play.