simple and fun DS game

User Rating: 8.1 | Touch the Dead DS
this game is basically house of the dead gameplay with a DS stylus it is fun and somtimes challenging all you do is simply tap ur stylus on the zombie your shooting at and thats it the game controls your person movements you occasionly pick where you want to go like left or right the graphics of the game arent that bad almost like a PS1 game the game is compromised into chapters and at the end of each chapter you fight a boss battle the problems i have with the game is the reloading system which is your bullets in your gun is on the left side of your screen and your ammo is on the right the only way to reload is to drag your ammo to the left and then the character reloads the problem is somtimes it isnt responsive and it registers as im trying to shoot the left side of the screen and somtimes i cant drag it fast enough because there are 5 zombie hitting me another problem is the hit system the system is you have 4 hearts if you get hit one heart is gone then you have a number under the hearts each number means how many lives you have left (1 life = 4 hearts) the problem is those numbers stay with you the whole game there are save points but if you get a game over you start all at the begining another problem is there really isn't much guns in this game there are only 4 one is a pistol with infinite ammo a shotgun with limited ammo, a crowbar, and assult rifle and thats it and the last problem won't bother some people but it bothered me the cutscenes in the game has no voices at all its just all text which is ok but when you see it you would pefer some type of voice acting other than that this game is plain fun with shooting diffrent arrangments of zombies, half rats, bosses, and robots if your a zombie fan then this game will please if you wnt a fun game then this game will please if you want a deep game then you wont be happy it even includes wireless multiplayer with a friend who owns the game i haven't played it but it sounds fun