Most Creative DS Game I've played in a while!

User Rating: 8.6 | Touch the Dead DS
If your looking at this, you probably already know how the game starts out. What I'm here to talk about is the gameplay. It is nice to know that someone has thought to use, in my mind, the DS's best feature; the touch screen. I admit, the games story is horrible, and the graphics aren't amazing, but in my mind, the gameplay makes you forget about all that. In gamespots review, they complain that it takes to long to reload. Bullcrap. It takes much less time than reloading a real gun. In my mind the difficulty of reloading made me feel like I was actually reloading a gun. You start out with the pistol, but soon unlock the machine gun, the shotgun, and the crowbar. The machine gun shoots very fast, and the shotgun puts a little more power in your punch. The crowbar is completely useless. I never used it since the pistol has unlimited ammo. The level design is also pretty bland, but once again the gameplay just makes you forget about all the shortcomings. It also has amazing replay value, since you can unlock special modes. (Unlimited ammo for all guns). This may sound bad, but I think the DS was in need of a new M-rated game anyway. This is a great buy.