Touch the Dead could have gotten better reviews if it would have been done the right way. The advertisement was poor prior the release of the game and it could have used the extra push. As soon as video game websites and magazines review the game you will change your mind and will not buy the game. I happened to try the game for 20 minutes before I bought it and I had so much fun with Touch The Dead than I have had in months with my 360 or my Wii. The reload idea is cool for the DS but it just doesn't work that well in the actual game, but it should not be a reason to ignore this game. As Zombies come close to you, you will have the control to aim and shoot wherever you want with a tap on your screen and it will become very addicting and incredibly fun to blow their heads off. Trust me. If you thought about buying the game I will tell you to feel comfortable to buy your copy now because you know that the game is not the best looking game so you should not expect that from it, you know the way the game is played so you should not expect any other than that and it's not POKEMON!!! for the love of God you're killing Zombies on your DS what else would you like from NINTENDO!!! don't waste this opportunity because if Nintendo opens the door for games like this on DS and Manhunt 2 for the Wii is for you to try them not to ignore them and close the door. Keep the door open and contribute with the purchase of Touch The Dead to see others in the future of the DS or maybe others coming eventually for the Wii.
Aside from this banal concept, the remaining game is very playable in this form. The overall experience is much less an FPS - as you would think it is - and plays much more like 'House of the Dead', light-gun style. Th... Read Full Review
Touch the Dead is one of those games whose difficulty would be obscene in any other game. Other games are not meant to be so difficult as to send you to a gameover screen every two minutes, or to cussing regularly. But... Read Full Review