It's short and really easy, but other than that it's an OK game.
It's actually HARD to get hit by a boss. A few shots, and it's dead!
The game is a lot like the classic House of the Dead on those arcade machines, remember those? Anyway, It's a rail shooter, just like House of the Dead, and all you really do in the whole game is, well,Touch the Dead of course.
If your not concentrating hard enough, you will find all your life's gone in seconds. Really, it doesn't require much concentration, really just knowing how to touch the touch screen.
There are different weapons such as a Pistol, which you start with, a Shotgun, which is the second weapon you get, and a Crowbar and a Machine Gun.
The shotgun is really the king of this game. All the other weapons are just useless. Even the Machine Gun. Mostly because you lose your ammunition in SECONDS and because it's just like the Pistol only shoots bullets faster. The Crowbar is just used for fun, otherwise it's a fail weapon.
If you have ever played the classic House of the Dead, you will realize the graphics are a lot like it. Which is probably what they tried to do in the first place. The graphics look like they are made of pixels, and the players facial expression never change's. All that is seen in House of the Dead.
The reloading is really annoying. You have to drag the ammo to the clip. If sounds and looks simple, but in the game you have to rush quickly to do it. Otherwise your dead!
The game is short which is also another big problem. There are only 4 chapters and there are about 3 to 4 levels in each of them. You could finish this entire game in about 2 or 3 hours.
You don't control your character at all. You just control the shooting and reloading. You get points for blowing off enemy's limbs, belly or head. When you have a Pistol, it's easiest just to aim at the head.
The Good:
The touch screen controls work well
It's pretty fun for about an hour
It's a really simple game
The Bad:
The graphics look poor
The Crowbar is completely useless
Enemy's come out of nowhere
Thank you for reading my review on Touch the Dead for the DS