User Rating: 10 | Another Code: Futatsu no Kioku DS
This is a perfect game. The people that say it is very short is because they are the kind of gamers that sat all day in front of the DS or a t.v and dont think in nothing else than in games. It took me 9:43 to complete the game for the first time expending 30 - 60 minutes a day so it was like one week and a half more or less. The graphics are the best i have see for the ds specially when in the touch screen the camera is showing the enviroment in 3D and not in the helicopter view. The gameplay and the sound are perfect for this type of game and the puzzles may not be difficult but tryng to find out zoetrope paper and the codes for opening the doors can become frustrating in the good way. The history of this game is so immersive that my heart begin to pump fastly in some parts especially in the part when Richard was going to be killed.
I lived in Colombia and I shipped this game from New York (because here is difficult to find that kind of games very soon) the day it was out in stores I waited for 2 long weeks until i could played it, i payed for it almost the double price and I take less time to pass it than the time it taked dor it to arrive to my house and no matter all that because I think This is the best DS game ever and i felt that my money was well spended.