Trace memory is a very enjoyable adventure games for the DS - BUT - the game experience is much too short.

User Rating: 8 | Another Code: Futatsu no Kioku DS
As a long time adventure game fan, I've been waiting for some good games to come to the Nintendo DS platform. The Internet reviews for Trace Memory were good enough that I through I'd take a chance. In the end, I was both pleased and disappointed.

The game play is very much a visual story with average to easy puzzles. Of the story itself, I enjoyed the premise and unfolding of the events. The game is extremely linear, which is not that surprising. The characters were interesting and well fleshed-out over the course of the game. There were a few turns in the story, but certainly not a Hitchcock tale.

The "picture capture" function was a nice feature that was certainly well integrated into the puzzles. I found the captured pictures overlay puzzles to be very fair with only one a little difficult. The stylus works well as a mimic of the standard point-and-click of PC adventure games.

As most reviewers of this game point out, the game length was just too short. The overall feeling after completing the game was one of "good stuff, just not enough".

I would like to see the developers create another game with the same style and features, but this time, lengthen the game play time at least four fold.