This game is awseom anybody with a DS should buy it.

User Rating: 9 | Another Code: Futatsu no Kioku DS
This game is Awesome, i haven't beaten it yet but im amazed by some of the graphics. it has twisting storyline, and well kind of creep you out at times, but is an awesome purchase. i bought it at a reasonable price of $30. It was even new, i thought it was cheep so i got it. i give it a 10, other games you should look at are Pheonix Wright and Trauma Center. it gets complecated at times but you can just use commmon sense.....or a Walkthrough! I used the first walkthrough listed on, it was very helpful. i'd like to thank my mom for ghettong me this game otherwise i probably wouldn't have bought it first out of the other 2 games i listed. my mom is pretty smart for a 32-year old non-gamer.