A good adventure game for the DS
At heart it's a pretty simple, slow moving adventure game with a somewhat confusing story but good enough in it's own ways.
The gameplay and puzzles are not too difficult, except I admit to needing to consult a FAQ a few time because I was totally stuck on what to do next.
The sound and graphics are all decent enough, and they really used the DS in a few unique ways, as well as even incorporating into the game by giving one to your character to use.
I've read there are a few different endings, and after 8 hours of gameplay I guess I didn't get the "Good" ending, just the "OK" ending, but I have no real desire to go back and play again right now.
I finished it so I must have liked it so I can recommend it if it sounds interesting to you. I think I picked it up for $20 so it was a pretty good deal.