Truly one of the most innovative titles ever released on any system ever.
The real innovative factor of Trace Memory is how you play the game. You use every part, and I mean EVER PART of the DS from the stylus, to the microphone, to the dual screens themselves in ways that make you say "wow!" When you finish the game and tell me it's not the most innovative game you've played I will call you a liar and draw a pony on your back. Did I mention the puzzles are hard too? Although most puzzles can be solved in a matter of minutes there is one puzzle in praticular that took me hours before I finally checked online and said "WTF!"
The artistic detail such as character illustrations and background images are beautifully done and are easy to look at. The rest of the world (character models, enviroments, etc.) is layed out in full 3D. The camera angle is overhead so it does make the graphics look a little nicer.
There are several background songs depending on which part of the island you are on at the time. Other that that there is not much to say about the sound in the game. Except for the annoying radio that you encounter in Chapter 4. Just be ready to turn your DS volume off until you figure out how to shut that thing up.
The game is very short maybe around only 6-8 hours depending on how fast you give up in Chapter 3 and look at the internet guide and shout out "WTF!" After you beat the game once through you start thinking about the game and realize "I don't know what happend to D!" So you go and are forced to beat it again for a better ending. So there is the little replay value the game offers.
This is a very enjoyable and innovative game from Cing and Nintendo and you can expect to look for more titles like it from the developer. Don't expect a sequel since there is almost no room for one. This short adventure is well worth the price of admission and is a nice gem to add to your DS collection. And just in case you didn't get it from what I said earlier, in Chapter 3 you probably will have to look on the internet to figure out the puzzle. It's that hard.