Its the 20th century. But still, this game leaks in performance as well as in viewability.
1. The enemy units lagg. You see them like every 10 seconds for a millisecond really annoying.
2. Long, so so long loading times!!! Why?
3. Ability to play with friends or to view the servers is still not better than in TMN. Really.
4. The maps are the same than in TMN
5. The SCREEN IS FULL OF OBJECTS!!!!! Bestlists, Charts, maps, numbers and dates about guy i dont care about. What the ????? You cant deactivate that.
6. Point 5 over and over again :)
Conclusion: Its not better than TMN, kind of due to the lack of new graphics. Its even worse, the objects on the screen drive you crazy. And the worst: Even though your friends are on the same servers, it feels like a single player game. Im sorry to disappoint you guys but think about it it is true