Trackmania nations forever has some flaws but for free it's a blast packed into one download

User Rating: 9.5 | TrackMania Nations Forever PC
Ok, so when i was browsing the internet like i normally would, i remebered this great racing game called trackmania i got a few years back. I just loved the game so i thought i would g ive nations a try. So this game has it all for a free game it has multiplayer, car customization, single player, and a track editor. When i first played the single player i was kinda bored with the game but then i got into the track editor and i was playing the game for about 5 hours straight. This game has a great community as well. So the single player has 5 modes they are race,speed,endurance,stunt and obstacle. When you play race, standard stuff, speed is really fast paced and endurance is a course at high speed with a lot of sharp turns and stuff. Stunt has like huge ramps and obstacle just trys to detour you. The track editor is so detailed it will take forever to go through it so i will let you see that one foryour self ;). All in all, this is a worthwhile experience for any gamer.