A highly enjoyable, great quality FREE game, which everyone should at least try out. You've got nothing too lose.
First of all, this game is free. All it takes is a simple download and there you go, it's playable. Create an account, which is very easy, and enjoy. Off line play is almost as good as the online. Just always trying to improve on your previous times, and get all those medals will keep you glued to your screen. What makes the offline even better is the fact it's all ranked. You see your position in terms of the World and your country and just how good (or bad) you are doing. What is also nice is the fact you unlock the tracks as you play, so there's always the incentive to keep going for that aspect. The difficulty of the tracks increases as they are unlocked keeping those who have mastered earlier tracks engaged with it. All the ranking make it very enjoyable and addictive.
As for the online multiplayer, well that just takes the pickle. The online is very addictive! There is a huge amount of servers to choose from with plenty of diversity of players and game modes. These will all keep you playing for hours, as if the multiplayer wasn't enough on its own. A nice feature is you can play with people who have fully purchased the game, so the numbers of people playing will stay high. There is a separate ranking system for the online multiplayer, which has its upsides and downsides. That said, if the ranking systems were blended into one, then it would be quite likely that those who have the purchased version would always stay well ahead of this that have not.
Graphically this game is very impressive. It's also catered for a wide range of machines, so most people should be able to run this game well. The game has very few bugs in it (well I have yet to notice one, so maybe zero).
Any one who is a fan of driving/racing/multiplayer online games should definitely give this game a shot. It's free, so nobody has anything to lose.
One of the few flaws in this game is the interface, sometimes it can be tedious when using a controller, but that's about it. There is not a lot of features for the friends list which can be annoying, but there are some good features. My final point is: if you have a decent controller (or racing wheel) play the game with this, a keyboard is simply too annoying.