Trackmania United: Lame
The game must be playable, must have purpose or motivation in game to make want to play, and must be entertaining.
Trackmania United just sucks
I dont care what the reviewers of gamespot says or the stone cold fans.
This game is only good to the select few people that can put up with it.
The game series has alot of potential to be a blockbuster everyones herd of game but this game just doesnt have much to it.
The game itself isnt very played. Yeah you can drive around and do jumps but after you crash, crash get stuck in a wall, crash, fly meaninglessly in wrong direction cause the game doesnt let you see where you need to go. Half the time different camera views happen when you dont want them to and itll screw you up. Not to mention the lack or options in the game. Hardly anything about the game you can change. No car custonise expect the lame paint feature. No different things to make you car different. The different types of cars in the game give it variety but all the cars in the game seem to just suck. One minute the car will drive up a 85 degree cliff. Next minute you can not drive up a criff that 15 degrees! You are forced to memorise the stupid tracks and drive perfectly just to finish a race without ebarassment. Im not even worried about online, or the community, or any online features. The game itself sucks. Dont Rent. Dont Buy. Download illegally off internet....but youll still uninstall it because you will get fustrated, bored, and feel like you wasting your time cause all you get to do is unluck new stupid tracks! What a motivation to play so more!