Every one regardless if you like racing games or not you must simply play Track Mania United read for more info
GRAPHICS:One of the best parts about Track Mania is how you can make it run on almost any computer due to the fact that you can dumb down the graphics if you have an old PC but if you have a high end PC bring on the fast frame rates and sick moition blur.There are very detailed lighting effects all around outting shadows on complex mode makes every thing have its perfect shadows whether its behing coverd of going across a wall.The water effects are frantastic one of the best iv seen since Roller Coaster 3 and putting on water demorty makes every thing refelect perfectly.The only downside is that some scenery looks undetailed and pixelated but most stuff looks fine (9)
SOUND:All sounds are there from cars to birds to water it all seems in place but.at the start menu if you are making a car in paint you will hear the same repiditve song every 2 minutes with it's anoying repetive song may anoy you to the fact that you dont want to paint a car (8)
VALUE:It's jamed pack with stages and scenery to use and costom stage editing and the great Online features and the single player is just as online multiplayer (10)
OVERALL:Track Mania United is a great game in it's way no other racer has gameplay and eidting quit like this so this could be a new generation in racing games.so its a great fun game its worth you time and money is you love stuns and speed