Wow Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006 is awesome for train fans! And it is worth to upgrade!
So when I saw the Railroad Simulator at the store I was not to sure it was good because I was afraid I get bored with this game to like I did in Railroad Tycoon 3.
When I took it home after I brought the game I open it I say wow 5cd set! So I install it I think the install took about 5-10 mins I did not run any issues during the install. After it was done I run the game. But I also learned you can run it with out the CD that was good.
Then when I start the game then I did the tutorial it was not that hard to learn it was peace of cake. It was neat it has to options to You can control the train your self or you can use the controller to do the work for you.
The Surveryor was not to hard for me to used. But I ask some people for help on the Support Forums but after that the route builder mode was not that bad. They have a search finder to find what objects to place down on your custom route map. You can also upload stuff to the Trainz Exchange the Content Manger Plus.
But so far this game is very awesome! And I am hook on it I just can’t let go of this game. Anyways you should buy this game today see if you like it!