Transformers for the PS2 is great but its two major flaws hurts the game from being awesome.

User Rating: 7.3 | Transformers PS2
Transformers for the PS2 is great but its two major flaws hurts the game from being awesome. The flaws are this game is freakin hard and the control is also unbelivable. The graphics are relly good. The sound is excellent. The levels could've been way better I mean have levels that are more related to the show. You only get to pick 3 autobots out of like who knows 40+. whats the deal not able to pick Decepticons. The boss battles are the best in this game. For a Transformers game in this generation its pretty superb I mean the last transformers game was Beast Wars cmon.
I purcahsed this game from Gamestop fot under $10 bucks.