I was a huge Transformers fan when I was growing up and when I saw that this game was going to be released, I was very excited. The screen shots looked good but the intial reviews were mixed. I went ahead and rented the game first and I am soooo glad I did. This game is TERRIBLE!!! First, the storyline is non-existant. Who are the minicons? Why do I care? How can the Autobots warp to Earth while the Decepticons have to fly? Does any of this make sense? Next, the playable characters.....who the heck are these guys? Everyone knows Optimus Prime but who's Hot Shot and Red Alert? Where's Bumblebee and Jazz? What happened to Megatron and why does he look so stupid now? The voice acting is dismal....Optimus kind of sounds like the original but Megatron sounds ridiculous. Otherwise, there is no voice acting other than these 'useful' updates during the game. Gameplay....wow, where to start here....it's just an abomination. First the game starts out in this little pit where it takes 5 minutes of running in circles just to find that you have to do some platform jumping to get out of there. Of course, the running in circles part is going to be the norm b/c the controls are dismal....they use the painful Max Payne set up where one pad controls strafe and forward while the other contols turning....why won't developers just realize that the Ratchet and Clank type one pad movement config is the best? Anyways, get ready for jumping puzzles, there's tons of them. Plus, your Autobots are really really bad jumpers, so that makes things nice and extra annoying. Next, to go anywhere, you have to consult your radar to find your next objective....oh wait...there's no radar in this game because that would make sense....ok, just run around like a ninny and try to fight and find the objectives. Fighting is great, its a third person shooter with the aformentioned bad controls and toss in lots of environmental obsticals that you can run into and get stuck so your enemies can gang bang you for a few moments....loads of fun! If you are the patient type, eventually you make it to the first boss who is ridiculously strong and you have a lame blaster, strong but very slow to rearm missles and a pathetic shield....toss in a mulitplatform arena to fight the boss (did i mention the horrible movement controls and your autobot is a bad jumper? I did?) and you go through getting knocked off the temple repeatedly, having to 'jump' back up there the whole time the boss is smacking you around. Joy. If your a real glutton for punishment, you'll continue to the second level where the second round of enemies can either shoot through glaciers or run around inside glaciers or something....I would love to know BUT THE GAME WON'T TELL ME WHATS GOING ON. Fortunately, you get a really useful 'energon vision' to see these invisible foes but its energy counts down and I spent my whole time trying to find the little buggers as they ran around inside the glacier shooting at me and of course I can't hit them back and then my energon vision runs out and now I'm back to being shot at by invisible people from inside a glacier. Fotunately, you can now combine powers with a little helper minicon but but that drains your life force so you die quicker. Awesome. Overall, this game is galactically lame and a miserable disappointment. I wouldn't even waste money renting the game even if you're a huge fan b/c you will be that much more annoyed and disappointed than the average sucker who rents this dog. The developers should be drug into the street and beaten for turning out a piece of junk like this.
This Transformers title is based on the Transformers Armada cartoon series, which I am unfamiliar with. As such, I'm a little lost as to the plot since very little is explained. What you are told is that you're out to sa... Read Full Review
this is my 3rd review so i'll start it with good and bad parts Good: .3 autobots 2 play as .many powerups 2 use mines missiles shotguns and many more .u can transform into cars trucks and off roaders. .when u ge... Read Full Review