If you were or still are a fan of Transformers, you will love this game. Even if you aren't, it is still a decent game.

User Rating: 7.6 | Transformers PS2
Gamespot stated it well. Die-hard fans will rejoice, while others will still find it enjoyable. Let me first say that I learned something about the Autobots by playing this game. Optimous Prime can't jump for s**t!!! The whole jump maneuver in this game is atrocious. It will be able to be upgraded later in the game. Much, much later. But hey, you can still change from Robot to vechicle effortlessly. You are able to be any of the three Autobots. (Like you are going to be anything else but Optimous Prime.) It is the standard game of hunting for items that have been placed in different parts of the world. In this case you will be looking for the mini-cons which you can use as upgrades. There are also data-cons that you can find which unlock extras like concept art and short movie clips. If you are really into the whole transformers thing, this can be rewarding. If you are like me and don't really care too much, it isn't that rewarding. Still a great game worth picking up. Well, you should probably wait till it gets cheap, unless you are a Transformers nut in which case you should already have the game and shouldn't be reading this.