its not horrible, but its not the best...

User Rating: 7.5 | Transformers PS2
i mean like any game thats a spin off of the movie isn't always going to be the best or up there with them but i do have to say that this is one of the best transformer games i have ever played. I would rent it first cus its more of a fan targeted game, though it does have some good shooter qualities, if you find it cheap or used or w/e then you might as well get it cus it will last you a few weeks before the game gets boring... or you get to annoyed with the bosses which ever one comes first. I give this a 7.5, i would give it a 6 but it does have some good qualities in it which brings it up to a 7.5. The cotnrols are Fairly simple and are easy to learn, and the game can get a little repeitive if you play it for hours on end so if you want to stay intrested in it then you should prob pace yourself while playing it or you will get bored on the second or first day.