i liked transformers and i do it no to but when i see the game in a store i was super happy!

User Rating: 10 | Transformers PS2
This game is very good. Has good grafick and u can choose 3 transformers: Optimus Prime, Red Alert and last but not the smallest is Hot shot. They have diffrent abillites like hot shot is fast but are not so strong and have no good armor, red alert is the allround type hea a little good at everything, opimus prime is the heavyest and the strongest but hes so slow he cant run awey from lille enimes they can confront u! in the areas u can find data cons that give u bonus data like musik and picthurs and many other things. in the areas u can allos find a MINICON a minicon give u abillites like: stronger shoot or that u can fly for a short period and can allso make u faster. There are many minicons to find so look ewrywhere for them